Posted Results
2024 Tournaments
Scramble Tournament & End of Year Party
Better Ball Best Score
Overview: 2 Day Tournament made up 2-person teams placed in the A for B flights based on 80% handicaps. On day 1 the team records their best ball as a team score and on day 2, the team tries to better their day 1 score on a hole-by-hole bases.
"A" Flight - Walt Niewinski & Vince Iannucci
"B" Flight - Cheryl Land & Rob McLaren
2 Person Scramble
Overview: 2 Person Scramble is a 1-day stroke play 2-person team game with each player hitting their ball then the team chooses the best shot to use for the next stroke and so on and so forth until the ball is holed out. Each team records 1 score pre hole and the teams with the lowest scores after completing 18 holes win.
"A" Flight - Mike Mitnik Jr & Chris Earhart
"B" Flight - Land & Phil McClurkin
Flight "B" Champions - Cheryl Land & Phil McClurkin