6-6-6 Tournament - is a stroke play tournament, also known as the 1-2-3 tournament. Players are slotted based on 90% handicap and each team contains A, B, C & D players. For the 1st 6x holes: the best net score is used for the team score, for the 2nd 6x holes: the 2 best net scores are totaled, and for the last 6x holes: the 3 best net scores totaled. The teams with the lowest team scores win.
Better Ball of Partners - is a 2-day 2-person stroke play better ball of partners handicapped tournament, Saturday & Sunday, and flighted between A & B Players. The low net score recorded between the two partners becomes the team score for that hole and the teams with the lowest net team scores for both days win.
Calcutta - is a gambling game utilizing a pari-mutuel betting format as applied to golf. Similar to horse race betting, you can bet on the win, place or show on individuals or teams participating in the golf tournament.
Flights - refers to a group or grouping for golf events based on handicap. For tournaments flighted between A & B players, Flight A refers to the low handicap player and flight B refers to the higher handicap player.
Handicap - Is a measure of current ability over an entire round of golf, signified by a number. The lower the number, the better the golfer. Handicap essentially signifies how many strokes above par a golfer should be able to play. At Pinecrest, we use the GHIN handicap system and Members are responsible for posting their own scores. For Weekend Play, all games continue to be based on 100% of your handicap but for Tournaments, handicaps are adjusted to 90%, unless otherwise noted.
Match Play - is a form of play where a player plays directly against an opponent in a head-to-head match. You win a hole by completing it in the fewest number of strokes, and you win a match when you are winning by more holes than remain to be played. At any time, a player can concede a hole and at any time can give a putt to an opponent. In a Match play tournament that is handicapped, strokes are given to the higher handicap player. For example, if Player A Handicap is 10 and Player B is 17, then Player B gets 7 strokes applied against the 7 hardest holes as determined by the Pinecrest Golf Club.
Memorial Cup - is a single elimination Match Play tournament played from May thru August with each participant randomly slotted to fill out an NCAA style bracket. Can accommodate up to 64x players. Individuals who make it to the quarterfinals and beyond win cash rewards and the overall winner gets to pick the charity the association contributes to at the end of the year.
Pinecrest Cup - is a Team Game between 2x competing Teams in a Match Play "Ryder Cup" format. In our association, the two competing teams are the Patriots and the White Knights. Captains for the Patriots and the White Knights are selected, and the teams drafted.
Red, White & Blue Tournament - is an Individual low net stroke play tournament with the tee box rotated every hole. For Men: blue, white & gold, for Senior Men: white, gold & red and for women: gold, red & forward red.
Scramble - is a stroke play team game with each player hitting their ball then the team chooses the best shot to use for the next stroke and so on and so forth until the ball is holed out.
Shamble - is a flighted stroke play team tournament. Each player hits their ball then the team chooses the best shot to use for the next stroke and then every player plays their own ball in. The tournament is handicap adjusted at the team level and the teams with the lowest team scores win.
Stableford - is a unique scoring system. Rather than counting the total number of strokes taken, as in stroke play, it involves scoring points based on the number of strokes taken at each hole. Unlike traditional scoring methods, where the aim is to have the lowest score, under Stableford rules, the objective is to have the highest score. The Stableford scoring system used with the Association is as follows, 4 pts for Eagle, 2 pts for Birdie, 1 pt for Par, 0 pt for Boogie and -2 pts for everything else.
Step Aside Scramble - Sometimes referred to as the “Florida Scramble", is a traditional 4x person team Scramble made up of A, B, C & D handicapped players with an added twist, the "Step Aside" feature.